Paddington Class (Y1/2): News items
Newsletter 10 Septebmer and Event Flyer, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW - 16 July 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW 9 July 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW 2 July 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOtW 25 June 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW 18 June 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW 11 June 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW 21 May 21, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW 14 May 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOtW 7 May 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOtW 30 April 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOtW 23 April 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOtW 01 April 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOtW 19 March 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOtW 26 March 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter 12 March 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
NEWSLETTER 5 March 2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter 26.02.21, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter 12.02.21, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter 5 February, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter 29.01.2021, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter 22.1.21, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter 15 January 2021 including Remote Learning Policy, by Mrs Surendorff
NEWSLETTER 8 JAN 2021, by Mrs Surendorff