Online Safeguarding

The Internet and related technologies have many positive benefits. They can be used both educationally and socially. At Guston Church of England Primary School we encourage children, parents and teachers to embrace technology and its benefits and talk openly about its use. Children receive ongoing eduation on their rights and responsibilities on the internet, as well as specific lessons on how to stay safe.

Socially our children use a wealth of apps and internet-linked devices to access entertainment, communicate with friends, share likes and dislikes, learn and inform themselves about the world. Educationally, the Internet provides information, discussion, resources and inspiration for their learning.

Access to the internet is a daily part of children's lives and we need to make sure our children are able to use the internet safely. Children need to learn how to protect themselves, their image and how to treat others on line. If you have any questions or concerns about how to keep your child safe talk to their teacher or browse the sites below. Remember to report any concerns to the safeguarding team. 

The Internet Safety Centre publishes a top tips for parents for every age. The messzge, is be open and keep talking. Click below:

Top Tips for Internet Safety


Useful Internet Safety Sites

Parent Zone
CEOP for Parents and Children
Safer Internet Centre
Childnet for Parents and Carers
Facebook Tools for Parents
Google Family Safety Channel

Parent Guide to Apps- What you need to know


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Friendship, Compassion, Equality, Endurance and Forgiveness