Governing Body Model
The Governing Board works as a ‘whole team’, meeting 6 times per year, once in each term, without any separate committees. An annual planner and agenda for each meeting will include all the tasks which the Governing Board is required to consider, and the Governing board will ‘commission’ assignments or activities arising from the business of the meeting, which will be recorded in the minutes. Any ‘commissioned’ working groups will have Governing board drafted agreed terms of reference.
In addition to ‘commissioning’ activities or actions on their behalf, the Governing board, in order to ensure its core functions are fulfilled, will delegate monitoring responsibilities to ‘monitoring pairs’ or ‘individuals’. These include the statutory required individual roles and those focused on the priorities of the School Plan.
In each case where a function has been delegated there is a statutory duty to report any action or recommended decision to the Governing board at the next meeting.