Tiggy-Winkle (YR) and Puddle-Duck (Y1) Class 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Term 4 in Tiggy-Winkle Class!
Welcome to Year R and 1 in Tiggy-Winkle Class. I hope you are looking forward to an exciting Term 4.
Class information for Term 4
Puddle-Ducks PE lessons will be Monday and Wednesday
Tiggy-Winkle PE lesson will be Wednesday ( Advennture Sports ) and Friday
Please send your child to school in PE kit on their PE days
Water bottles and snacks
Please send your child to school with a filled, named water bottle each day. Children will be provided with a morning snack however if you wish you can provide an additional healthy snack from home.
Naming uniform
Please can you name your childs uniform, it becomes very difficult at the end of the day when we have multiple un-named items.
Books for Tiggy-Winkles
Each afternoon the children will chose a picture book to bring home for you to share with your child. Please return the next morning so your child is able to chose another book.
Reading books for Puddle-ducks and Tiggy-Winkles
Puddle-ducks reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday if their reading record has been signed. We will continue to encourage the children to choose a picture book each afternoon for you to share with your child.
Tiggy-Winkle reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday if their reading record has been signed.
Home Learning for Puddle-Ducks
Home learning will be sent home on Fridays. There is no expectation for activities to be returned to school but completion of tasks will help to support your childs learning.
Childrens' termly learning Journey
Please find the Tiggy-Winkle and Puddle-Duck learning Journey in the files section on the class web page
Karen Powell
Files to Download
Tiggy-Winkle (YR) and Puddle-Duck (Y1) Class: News items
Newsletter and WOTW 14.2.25, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW 7.2.25, by Mrs Surendorff
Newsletter and WOTW 31.1.25, by Mrs Surendorff
Tiggy-Winkle (YR) and Puddle-Duck (Y1) Class: Blog items
There are no blog items to display
Tiggy-Winkle (YR) and Puddle-Duck (Y1) Class: Gallery items
Puddle-Duck messy maps, art and Science, by Mrs Powell
First Week at Guston Primary School, by Mrs Powell
Tiggy-Winkle (YR) and Puddle-Duck (Y1) Class: Calendar items
There are no Calendar items to display