
Welcome to Guston Church of England Primary School Art 

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We strive for our children to experience the Arts in all its forms: Art, Drama, Poetry, Music, Dance and Heritage. We endeavour to use our amazing local resources and the rich and varied culture of the school to develop a passion for the Arts and celebration of cultural heritage. As part of this commitment we are currently working towards our Artsmark in collaboration with Arts Council England and other local and national groups. The school hope this will:

-Build resilience and creativity to help our children grow into happy, articulate and successful young people  

-Unlock their potential , helping them to develop character and talent, as well as knowledge

-Create opportunities for every child to experience arts and culture first hand, taking part in extraordinary work that motivates them to think about Art and Design and the wider Arts as as a future career choice. 


Local Art Opportunities


Leas Cliff Hall Theatre

White Cliffs Country Arts, Crafts and Culture Links 

The Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury


And further afield:

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam


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Friendship, Compassion, Equality, Endurance and Forgiveness