Please note that these pages are currently being updated. Parents seeking up to date information and documents can contact Tracey Tee as detailed below via telephone or email, 10/2/2025
Inclusion is at the heart of what we do as a school. As part of our Christian ethos we want every child to feel included regardless of educational needs, mental health, disability, gender, race or religion.
Your class teacher is the first point of contact for SEN, the school's Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, Tracey Tee has the SEND qualification and can be contacted at anytime by phone 01304 206847 or email:
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)
Many children will require support in their time at school for academic, emotional or health reasons. For some, a targeted short intervention, alternative seating, additional support through technology may address a learning gap. However, others with complex physical, learning or emotional needs or unexplained lack of progression may require ongoing investigation and support. Where this is the case the school will make best endeavours to ensure appropriate access to the curriculum. This may require additional meetings with parents, specific screening in school, referral to outside agencies in health and education and possibly individualised learning plans. How this process works and what you can expect in the school are detailed in the SEN information report and SEN Policy, see below.
Schools are expected to adhere to the SEND Code of Practice and to fully use the Local Offer from Kent. Details of these are included in the links below:
SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years
The Iask site offers independent support for parents of children with SEND.
Independent Advice and Support Kent
We also signpost external services, so please check back regularly and let the office know of local events, groups or websites that you feel could help others.