Our Gallery
Forest School!, by Mrs Hixon
Vincent Van Gogh flower master pieces created by Starfish class and planting Autumn and Spring flowers, by Mrs Powell
Super Start Orienteering Festival, by Miss Lawrence
The Creation Story..., by Mrs Hixon
Wow Said the Owl, by Mrs Powell
week 2 in Starfish Class., by Mrs Powell
The first week at school for the Starfish, by Mrs Powell
Art in Nature..., by Mrs Hixon
Class of 2020, by Miss Neal
Super Starfish Home Learning, by Mrs Powell
Term 6 week 3 Home learning, by Mrs Powell
Term 6 week 1 Home Learning, by Mrs Powell
Week 4 Home Learning activities, by Mrs Powell
Week 3 Home Learning, by Mrs Powell
week 2 Home Learning, by Mrs Powell
Message from staff, by Mrs Day
Learning during lockdown, by Mrs Powell
Home Learning in Turtles, by Mrs Tee
World Book Day 2020!, by Mrs Hixon
Fairtrade Fortnight!, by Mrs Hixon
EYFS and KS1 African Dance Workshops!, by Mrs Hixon
African dance workshop, by Mrs Powell
Battleships in Year 6, by Mr Wells
Year 5/6 Sports Hall Athletics, by Mr Wells
Affinity Water Day!, by Mrs Hixon