Our Gallery
Sycamore Forest School, by Miss Gower
Exploring food with our senses, by Miss Gower
Chestnut Class Forest School, by Miss Gifford
Science inspired artwork, by Mrs Powell
First day photos, by Miss Gower
Maths fun in the forest, by Miss Gower
Science in Chestnut Class, by Miss Gifford
Getting to know Elder Class..., by Mrs Hixon
Making owls in the forest, by Mrs Powell
Week 2 in Willow Class, by Mrs Powell
First visit to the forest, by Mrs Powell
Week one at big school, by Mrs Powell
Stingrays' Forest School, by Mrs Hixon
Dover Museum Trip, by Miss Lawrence
Anglo Saxon Clothes, by Miss Lawrence
Forest School, by Miss Lawrence
Teeth!, by Miss Lawrence
Service Families Leavers, by Mrs Day
Jubilee Celebrations, by Mrs Day
KS1 Disco, by Miss Gifford
Sand Dollars American Camp Fire, by Mrs Rhodes
Teddy Bear's picnic, by Mrs Powell
Visit from the Fire fighters, by Mrs Powell
Gem jar treat!, by Miss Gifford
Trip to Fort Burgoyne, by Miss Gifford