Hiccup Class (Y4/5): Gallery
Skip2bfit, by Miss Gifford
Easter egg hunt, by Miss Gower
Pine Forest School, by Mr Wells
Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert, by Mr Wells
Service Families Leavers, by Mrs Day
Jubilee Celebrations, by Mrs Day
Sand Dollars American Camp Fire, by Mrs Rhodes
STEM Egg Challenge, by Mrs Rhodes
Operation Christmas Child, by Mrs Rhodes
A Tudor Knight, by Mrs Rhodes
Walk With Amal, by Mrs Rhodes
Future Foundry Walk with Amal Paper Lanterns Workshop, by Mrs Rhodes
Dashain 2021, by Mrs Day
Who can make the longest paper chain?, by Mrs Rhodes
SNOW!, by Mrs Day
Visit to Santa, by Mrs Rhodes
Class Jesse Trees, by Mrs Rhodes
Tudor Houses, by Mrs Rhodes
Message from staff, by Mrs Day
Year 5/6 Sports Hall Athletics, by Mr Wells
Affinity Water Day!, by Mrs Hixon
Our Christmas Design and Technology Project..., by Mrs Hixon
Shrove Tuesday..., by Mrs Hixon
D&T Transport Day..., by Mrs Hixon
World Book Day 2018, by Mrs Day