
Provision Plans

In most cases the needs of our children can be met across the curriculum by carefully planned differentiation by the teacher. This is called quality first teaching.

However for some children the difficulties they have in school with their learning or friendships may require very specific interventions. Interventions can be in small groups or individual and may address gaps in learning or  misconceptions. The effectiveness of interventions is looked at in a cycle of assess-plan-do-review.

Where interventions are not having an impact the school will seek advice and specialist interventions. In some cases assessments may lead to identification of long term difficulties for a child that need to be planned for. In these cases a personal plan is drawn up and your child is likely to be included on the Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) register.  If your child has a plan their teacher will discuss this with you and monitor their progress closely with the Assistant Head teacher for Inclusion, Tracey Tee.

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Friendship, Compassion, Equality, Endurance and Forgiveness